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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

nicholas shelton

nicholas shelton, originally uploaded by lavendamemory.

I did my first guy-only shoot yesterday. It was actually very challenging, because men photograph so much differently than women. It was nice to have Terri Lodge on the shoot, who has 10 years of experience as a makeup artist. Anyhow, this photo was shot outdoors and if you can't tell- it was freezing, freaking cold out.

Also! I just found out that his NY agency is going to use this as his new comp card! I am sooo excited!

To see more of Terri Lodge's work, follow this link:

Monday, December 22, 2008

Short Cut Home

California looks beautiful on our way home. Landscapes are painted melon yellow, orange and green. The skies are full of clouds, but not the swollen, angry kind; these clouds could just as well be handed out on sticks to little children. I can see their sticky, happy faces already*
We're hoping to get home by a straight shot- I-5 all the way home, through snow or shine. (in all likelyhood it will be the former).
Luckily, I have found a short-cut, or more precisely- a way to pass the time away- taking pictures ( : but these aren't just any pictures, see. These are vintage-like photos through this $0.99 program I found through my I-phone app's.
Anyhow, I will be posting some pics up from my newly discovered short-cut.
Merry Christmas!!!

Arriving Stupid

We planned for a 9 hour trip. Of course, we expected the usual delays- extra pee trips and such- but when it took us well over 20 hours drive time to arrive in San Fran we knew this would be a special Christmas ( :
Jelani was a real trooper since he had to do most of the driving due to my infamous car sickness. To our relief I did not puke once- the entire ride down!
Once we payed the troll fee (they really do charge to enter) we began to relax. The drive is finally over, we thought. And oh what a hopeful thought that was.
We found our hotel immediately and drove off into the sunset to find our parking garage. 1 1/2 blocks down and take right, the Chinese receptionist said in a thick accent. Sure, I said, smiling. I skipped off in confidence.
To my surprise, I was to drive into the wrong parking garage where we parked, walked down a few flight of stairs and searched for an attendant to give our ticket to.
You're in the wrong garage, they said, stampin our foreheads with a large stamp: "Stupid Tourist".
We hid our faces from the line of locals parked in the Right garage and slinked back to our car. They charged us for that little escapade*
A few.... oh, 40 minutes later, we happily handed our keys to the correct attendant- sheepishly wiping our foreheads.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008



This photo sort of reminds me of my friend Caylan. She was interested in fine-art photography way before I ever expressed interest. I remember she used to have this book- it was a collection of very sensual, intimate photos... but classy at the same time.

Anyhow, this one goes out to Caylan***

Sunday, December 14, 2008

the race

the race

touch me
will you?

taste me
with your breath
and your fingers
like a negative
in the

expose me
will you?

sliding finger-

across my undeveloped
with unskilled,

dip me
will you?

beneath the silent

with your scent
seeping deep
the film
of memories
half forgotten.

reaching to find
what you placed there

holding me up to the light
to remember.

Zoe Series

Zoe Series, originally uploaded by lavendamemory.

I have been envisioning these photos that capture "movement" and expectation". Zoe did such a good job of interpreting this for me. I really feel like we capture something in this shot. Anyhow, it was so much fun meeting Holly Stalder, the designer of this dress, and working with her clothes. They're all so soft and romantic... the kinds of clothes I would make if I didn't have two left thumbs * )

check out more from this shoot on my flickr!

Friday, December 12, 2008


Lautrec, originally uploaded by lavendamemory.

Janeane brought some gold material and told me to play with it, "try shooting through it" she suggested. The material did not look see-through at all, until I put it right in front of a light. I was surprised to get such a gorgeous shot. This was the first test.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Pinup Anna

Bella Anna

I wish I had a black viewer- it's a much nicer contrast framed in black. anyhow, this was one of my favorite shots from the Janeane Marie shoot. Her hair and the top... everything came together to give this Pin-up feel. She is so stunning too. I've seen Anna pull off many different looks.

Monday, December 8, 2008

couture memoirs - by paolo roversi - for vogue italy

This is my favorite photographer. I try and keep up with his latest works. It can be seen everywhere... just saw a great new add in Vogue by him. anyhow. Just thought I'd post this.

Party triptic

party- triptic, originally uploaded by lavendamemory.

I think this will make a nice spread. It really focuses in on the details of Janean's tops and yet, it contains sooo much atmosphere.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

errin green

errin green

First of 6 models from this shoot. We were at J's studio, but once I set up the lights and backdrop I had to make a trip to the bathroom. I noticed this room on my way- with the lift and the chairs, so I decided to shoot Errin here instead.

PS: Click on the photo to view larger!

Designs by: Janeane Marie

Designs by: Janeane Marie

We had originally planned for a 5 hour day, but ended up shooting for nearly 7. There were fittings, missing Mua's... you know, the usual for this kind of thing ( :

Anyhow, I am going to be editing a few different editorial type series' so I thought I'd start with a basic shot of the girls:

from left to right we have: Errin, Heather, Lauren and Kasey Owens.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Your thoughts? - read this.

stalkings, originally uploaded by lavendamemory.

So, I recently received an email from a... let's call him a mentor... I opened the email with excitement, wondering what he would have to say. It was not that kind of email, however.
The sole purpose of his email was to express his anger toward me. In so many words, he explained that I "clearly ripped him off" and have stolen his photographic techniques. In a few short sentences he made it very clear that I had offended him by my collection of black and white portraits. And let me tell you, I was stunned. I mean, I literally stared at the email for 3 minutes before remembering to take a breath.

He wrote that he'd been approached by several people who asked him if my pictures were his and when they found out they were not, said "it's exactly like yours". He went on to say that he felt upset that I chose to copy his techniques "pixel for pixel" before concluding that I am tactless.


My first response was to feel hurt. His email was obviously written out of anger and I understood immediately that he felt taken advantage of. But the truth is, I don't understand how he could make, or arrive to such claims.

First of all, I do not know how he processes his photos. More precisely, I have never seen him do so. We did meet in person a couple months ago, however to discuss his photography- at which point he shared his approach, technique and photographic goals. I absolutely loved his work. I did then, I do now. I was ecstatic to learn more about him. I even asked for his analysis on other famous photographs and how they were lit, shot, et cetera. He was very open to share his thoughts with me.

He told me that he likes to make his model's comfortable, often offering them a glass of wine. His favorite shots are candid. He shoots through objects, such as screen, glass and lace. He shoots mainly film- but uses digital as well. These are all things I know about him. All the "techniques".

Even if I had run home and stocked my cupboards full of cabernet and zinfandel- purchased lace, glass, and my own screen door- even if I had run out to buy a bunch of vintage, film cameras- if would have been my prerogative to do so. BUT I DIDN'T! I didn't begin romancing my models with wine, shopping for Holgas, or any of that! I do, however, shoot in black and white at times, YES. I do take portraits, YES. I have shot through lace, YES. That is the whole point of learning, right? So, please, somebody, anybody, everybody, tell me: does that make me a thief? An artistic sellout?

I am simply flabbergasted, frustrated, hurt. It is very difficult to have one's artistic integrity attacked.
As Ezra Pound once said "Utter originality is, of course, out of the question." So, who are any of us to talk?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

season of "ignoring"

Third post today. Obsessive compulsive, I know. I am feeling really emotional today though. I ran inside the house just now, intending to grab a bite to eat, then run to the store. Grocery, clothing, whatever. Any store will do. And then, as I was heating up my coffee, it dawned on me: this is what I do. I shop when I am suppressing things. The challenge, now that my coffee is hot and ready to go, is for me to sit down and relax. And, if possible allow myself to feel something.

So many emotions pour in; there's pain, anger, guilt, confusion. I grasp for some kind of sense, explanation, control. I am always clamoring for control. I must KNOW why I feel what I feel in order to REIN it back in. This is how I function and though it makes for a lot of indigestion and the occasional ulcer, it's also what gets me by.

In class today my African American Lit. Professor pointed out the beautiful function of writing in post-slavery years. "It was a form of free expression," she said. "It was their way of rising above their circumstance." I was touched by her words and quickly located a pencil to write down this revelation, this common sense description that impressed- so impressed me.

Perhaps this is why I am still here. Writing. I am writing and thinking, yes, thinking too.

I am in the middle of a holiday season. I stand only 1 week past Thanksgiving and 3 from Christmas. I listen to strange tunes on the radio, such as "All I want for Christmas is a Hippopotamus" that make me smile for nearly 4 minutes in traffic. I also notice more of my surroundings, the change in design of Starbucks and other stores. I've noticed wreaths, lights and dove-stamped cups in Portland. I have taken a picture of a few. And the whole world seems, happier, softer somehow.

It's when I think about Thanksgiving that some of this fades. I remember my sister crying in the kitchen over the most amazing mashed potatoes I've ever tasted. I remember my Aunt reaching a gentle hand to her shoulder as I quietly stepped back, out of reach and out of earshot. I tasted my potatoes and smiled at Grandma sitting in the other room. I imagined my nieces crying for their mother, wondering why she couldn't take them home for Christmas.

It's when I think of brothers and sisters I won't see this year, that Christmas tunes lose their appeal. I won't see them, touch them, hear their voices. There will be an empty spot in my memories for them this year.

I have always treated the holidays as the season of "ignoring". Ignore the pain, ignore the losses, ignore the aches. I feel pressured to be an electronic greeting card, that sings a merry tune upon request. And what a shame too, because if anything, the holidays should be a time of honesty, comfort and community. It should be the time for family and friends to gather and mend each others wounds.

So, I'm going to think on that for a bit. I mean, truly think on it. No self-medicated shopping for me, at least today ( :

I just wanted to clarify: I know that every once in a while pro-photos are posted of my gnarly face all pretty upped.

This photo is to put the rumors to rest. No, I am not a model. And no, I actually still don't wear makeup. This is me about to head out for class. And yes, that is a gigantic zit on my chin.



Ever Amber



Model: Amber Prehn
Makeup and Hair: Mich'l Bauxel

I had so, so, so much fun on this shoot. Amber generously arrived with a bottle of organic Zindafel, which gave the entire evening a casual atmosphere. It was like hanging out and making new friends. Mich'l was such a sweet, cheerful artist, a wonderful listener and meticulous stylist. Can you believe we came up with that hairstyle just 20 minutes previous? Anyhow, a few very, very good photos were born and these are just a couple examples.

So, as I often say: more to come ( :